Form Amateur/No Amateur AMATEUR CHECK LIST English Arabic Catalan Chinese (Simplified) English French German Greek Italian Japanese Portuguese Russian Spanish Swahili Turkish ๐ช๐ธESP ITA POR FRE GERRUS JAP Use the above translation drop down menu to translate in your language. Write the information in your own language or in English. Your Email Photo/s Number ... List the photo links we provided you, made by the same author (author to be mentioned below). If you prefer you can list ONLY the NUMBERSi.e.: 0056, 0190, 1104 Author Name ... Name of the person who took the photo/s (THE AUTHOR), as it is wished to appear printed. Tick each box if the statement is true. [1] Author do NOT regularly sells his photos (any kind of) [2] Author jobs was NEVER as photographer (any kind of) [3] Author has NEVER publicly put on sell his photos in the past (even if none was sold) [4] Author has NEVER allowed others to use his photos in exchange for money, products or other benefits. Whenever he has allowed to use his photos has been WITHOUT any type o benefit. [5] Author has NOT won monetary awards for his photos in the last 5 years summing a total equal or over 3000USD (summing all awards received during the last 5 years) ... If he/she is a professional photographer, please leave these questions blank. To be considered amateur must comply and tick all 5 conditions. Comments Send ๐๐ป๐๐ป๐๐ปThank you dear participant for your interest and cooperation in our contest. We will review your information and contact you in case of further need of information.