Gallery 4 LM

The final deadline to select & comment photos for 2024 Round 2 Jury assessment has expired.
Commenting photos  has been disabled

Contact us per Instagram DM if you have any inquire.

type in the 🔎 bar the search text we have provided you, choose your BEST photo and submit your selection with the form at the end of this page
click here to go to the SUBMIT form)

type in the 🔎 bar the search text we have provided you, choose your BEST photo and submit your selection with the form at the end of this page
click here to go to the SUBMIT form)

type in the 🔎 bar the search text we have provided you.

EXAMPLE of comments💬: [add extra spaces at the end if your comment is less than 3 characters]
a) 💬  2023  me    (photo taken in 2023 by you )
b) 💬  2019 Antonio Gonzalez    ( photo taken in 2019 by a friend)
 c) 💬   no    (you wish to deactivate/withdrawn this photo)
 d) 💬  =     (same comment as photo just above in the page
💬  all 2023  me on the higher numbered photo,  we will assume all below photos without a comment where taken by you in 2023.
f) 💬  none on the higher numbered photo, we will deactivate all below photos without a comment, keeping active only the photos with specific comments.

PLEASE VERIFY ONCE FINISHED…kindly check all your photos have a comment or you used the e) or f) general comments. THANK YOU! 

IN CASE OF ERROR MESSAGE:  please reload the page or close the browser and reload the page . if you prefer you can send us per Instagram DM or email the text of the comments, remember to indicate the Nº of photo that each comment refers to.  

⚠️It is VERY IMPORTANT that you review your photos and DEACTIVATE duplicate or VERY SIMILAR PHOTOS. Why? Because for example a wonderful photo of yours in portrait format can receive votes from half of the jury and the same photo in landscape format can receive votes from the other half of the jury. The result is that your photos will be probably the 3rd and 4th in the ranking. If only one photo would have been kept active, it would have probably concentrated all the votes and be Nº1 Winner.

⚠️Also, remember that each participant must keep a maximum of 15 photos active in each category (15 Caving + 15 Canyoning). Discard excess photos writing ‘no.’ in the comments. We will submit to the Jury ONLY 15 photos per person and category. 

⚠️Remember that a photo belongs to its author, the person who took it. When you submit a photo taken by others, you must be in agreement with the authors. Confirmation from the authors will be required if their photo wins.


Choose your BEST photo.

⚠️ MAXIMUM one CAVING photo + MAXIMUM one CANYONING photo per person. 

 ⚠️Remember that a photo belongs to its author, the person who took it. When you submit a photo taken by others, you must be in agreement with the authors. Confirmation from the authors will be required if their photo wins.
Nº of your chosen one BEST photo. (Nº1948 - Nº3327)
The name of person that took the photo. Write "me" if it was you.
year of the photo: 2022, 2023, ....
If you wish to receive a confirmation of your submitted information per email.