Round Award – OUTEX

‘OUTEX Round Product Award 2023’  within the Luca Memorial Photo Contest 




"Wow, what great photos have been submitted, very difficult for us to select a winner!
We’re often looking for some technical component in the photo, such as framing, composition, use of sharpness and depth of field to capture the story-telling element of the photo, etc. But never letting the technical aspects of an image overcome first impact and the emotional reaction it creates for the viewer. After narrowing down the field into to less than 10 finalists, we ask our staff to vote on their favorite.
☞ Photo 1368 impresses on multiple fronts, by eliciting a strong 'first emotional impact', for encapsulating the magic of it’s unusual environmental circumstances (location & lighting), as well as the use of technical aspects such as framing, composition, and depth of field for reflections and mood."

Steven MOORE

TO BE ANNOUNCED 16th January


OUTEX Round Product Award 2023 'within the ‘Luca Memorial Contest 2023’.

An internal OUTEX team picks by their own criteria a winner photo among the resulting 🏅FINALISTS in LucaMemorial Contest Round January-April 2023.


The winner photo will be awarded with the new best seller of the brand:
🔹the Phone Pro Kit! Waterproof case for smartphones 💵 valued at 169USD
. The Outex phone case combines the best of the weather & waterproofing worlds. No need for another action or travel camera when a great one is already in your pocket. Professional imaging performance - optical glass · Universal compatibility* fits multiple phone makes, models · Complete functional control, including touchscreen · Convenience & transportability - lightweight, compact · Modular design that's compatible with accessories · Affordability *Compatibility includes Apple iPhone and iPhone Max all models, Google Pixel phones, and Samsung Galaxy and Galaxy S Ultra phones.


OUTEX  ( makes professional outdoor and waterproof housings for cameras & lenses. With a unique patented product design to universally fit all brands & models, maintains all functional control, optical glass ports, in a compact & lightweight size. OUTEX  will select the caving or canyoning photo that best matches their “Outdoor Photography -   #Outexstyle”


🗓️Winner announcement within 20th May 2023 (duties for delivery outside the EU to be covered by winners)
Winners will be required to follow @realoutex and make a post in their social networks mentioning @realOutex and the #outex hashtag.


🔥2023 CONTEST IS OPEN🔥 You too can submit your 📷! Free participation. First Round of 2023 closing 30 April 2023.
Visit https://CONTEST.LucaMemorial.Org

JAN-APR 2023

Luca Chiarabini

Photo Contest

Worldwide Edition
(Free participation)


For your great support and cooperation with Luca Memorial Contest.