RULES 2021


– ‘current year’ NOTE: Photos taken after 25th December 12:00am CET of previous year (2020), are considered valid when submitted in the following year contest

RULES 2021

Download PDF here



& CONDITIONS FULL OFFICIAL RULES Luca Memorial Photo Contest 2021 Worldwide

Last updated:
28 Sep 2021 Rev. 0.0.1.b

Contest hosted by Luca Memorial (the “Sponsor”) is in no way sponsored,
endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Google, Linkedin or Pinterest. NO PURCHASE OF LUCA


1. Validity of these Rules

2. Eligibility

3. Agreement to Rules

4. Contest Duration and Rounds

5. Categories and Category Requirements

6. How to participate

6.a as a Voter/Liker (SOCIALCONTEST)

6.b as a Photographer

6.c. as a Meeting Organization

6.d as an Explorer

7. Bonuses and Friends

7.a Referral Link (INVITE FRIENDS)

7.b Bonus Codes

8. Jury and Judging Process

9. Winner Selection and Notification

9.a. Standard Round

9.a.1 Winning Photographer

9.a.2 Winning Voter

9.a.3 Meetings

9.b. Final Round

9.b.1 Explorer/Exploration of the Year

10. Prizes

10.a. Standard Rounds

10.b. Yearly Final Round

11. Odds

12. Rights Granted by You

13. Further Privacy and Copyright

14. Terms & Conditions

15. Limitation of Liability

16. Sales

17. Disputes

18. Privacy Policy

19. Winners List

20. Sponsor contact info




1. Validity of these rules:

These rules are applicable
to the Luca Memorial Photo Contest 2021 Worldwide edition (the “Contest”):
standard rounds every 4 months and yearly final round 2021. Rules can be
reviewed and changed without limitations before any round start as well as
before the final round start.

Any 2021 Worldwide Extra Special
Round (see “chapter 7 Bonuses and Friends”) has its own rules and it might not
be subject to comply the rules described herein.

The below rules prevail
above any discrepancy with any other guideline or explanation reported
elsewhere in
https://submit.lucamemorial.org, https://lucamemorial.org, Facebook/Instagram post and ads, or any other web or
social network managed by Sponsor. Any other source of information not
directly managed by sponsor, including Facebook shares, must be considered null
by all participants.

Any possible discrepancy, ambiguity
or misunderstanding in these rules can only be resolved by the Sponsor,
who will update these rules accordingly to correct and extend them accordingly
to the needs to avoid such issues in future.


2. Eligibility:

The Luca
Memorial Photo Contest Worldwide edition (the “Contest”) is open only to
those who sign up at
https://submit.lucamemorial.org and who are 21 years of age or older as of
the date of entry. Where minimum legal age is higher, participant must comply
with local laws minimum age requirements. The Contest is void where
prohibited by law. Employees of Sponsor, its affiliates, subsidiaries,
advertising and promotion agencies, and suppliers, (collectively the
“Employees”), and immediate family members and/or those living in the same
household of Employees are not eligible to participate in the Contest.
The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws
and regulations. Void where prohibited.

The Contest
categories explicitly include and accept:

1.       CANYONS: Icy, wet and dry canyons.

2.       CAVES: Rock, ice/glacier, and underwater natural/coral
caves or man-made abandoned
underground structures and
mines, as well as urban caving.



The WINNER of a ROUND during the year (standard
or extra)
of a cash prize/award  is ineligible to win again a round
during the same year. HOWEVER:

· he/she
can still present entries during the year and opt to access the FINAL ROUND, if
his entries classify as finalists.

The WINNER of a previous FINAL ROUND (#1 PHOTO,
#1 AMATEUR PHOTO, EXPLORER/EXPLORATION of the YEAR) is ineligible to win again
another final round in the following TWO years. HOWEVER, he can
still present entries during the year and opt to win any STANDARD ROUND or any

The RANDOM WIN must go to a participant that
has not had any win yet during the last TWO years. Therefore are ineligible
to win previous cash/product winners: any ROUND winners, SOCIALCONTEST winners
and previous RANDOM/RAFFLE winners. Are excluded from this rule product winners
of products whose retail price is less than 75$.


3. Agreement to Rules:

By participating, the Participant
(“You”) agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules, and You
represent and warrant that You meet the eligibility requirements. In addition,
You agree to accept the decisions of Sponsor as final and
binding as it relates to the content of this Contest.

4. Contest Duration and Rounds:

The contest has an annual


submission and voting will be accepted online as per below calendar:

January – April 2021:

Starts at 00:00 Central European Time
(CET) 1
st January 2021.

End at 23:59 Central European Time (CET)
30 April 2021.

Round May
– August 2021:

Starts at 00:00 Central European Time
(CET) 1
st May 2021.

End at 23:59 Central European Time (CET)
31 August 2021.

September – December 2021:

Starts at 00:00 Central European Time
(CET) 1
st September 2021.

End at 23:59 Central European Time (CET)
31 December 2021.



voting will be accepted online as per below calendar:

to be announced before 15
st January 2022 by Luca Memorial newsletter and
Facebook/Instagram post (@lucamemorial.contest).

Ends: to
be announced in the same way. Ending not later than 15
st February

All online  votes must be received within the deadlines.

& CONDITIONS FULL OFFICIAL RULES Luca Memorial Photo Contest 2021 Worldwide

Last updated:
12 Sep 2021 Rev. 0.0.1.b

Contest hosted by Luca Memorial (the “Sponsor”) is in no way sponsored,
endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,
Google, Linkedin or Pinterest. NO PURCHASE OF LUCA


1. Validity of these Rules

2. Eligibility

3. Agreement to Rules

4. Contest Duration and Rounds

5. Categories and Category Requirements

6. How to participate

6.a as a Voter/Liker (SOCIALCONTEST)

6.b as a Photographer

6.c. as a Meeting Organization

6.d as an Explorer

7. Bonuses and Friends

7.a Referral Link (INVITE FRIENDS)

7.b Bonus Codes

8. Jury and Judging Process

9. Winner Selection and Notification

9.a. Standard Round

9.a.1 Winning Photographer

9.a.2 Winning Voter

9.a.3 Meetings

9.b. Final Round

9.b.1 Explorer/Exploration of the Year

10. Prizes

10.a. Standard Rounds

10.b. Yearly Final Round

11. Odds

12. Rights Granted by You

13. Further Privacy and Copyright

14. Terms & Conditions

15. Limitation of Liability

16. Sales

17. Disputes

18. Privacy Policy

19. Winners List

20. Sponsor contact info




1. Validity of these rules:

These rules are applicable
to the Luca Memorial Photo Contest 2021 Worldwide edition (the “Contest”):
standard rounds every 4 months and yearly final round 2021. Rules can be
reviewed and changed without limitations before any round start as well as
before the final round start.

Any 2021 Worldwide Extra Special
Round (see “chapter 7 Bonuses and Friends”) has its own rules and it might not
be subject to comply the rules described herein.

The below rules prevail
above any discrepancy with any other guideline or explanation reported
elsewhere in
https://submit.lucamemorial.org, https://lucamemorial.org, Facebook/Instagram post and ads, or any other web or
social network managed by Sponsor. Any other source of information not
directly managed by sponsor, including Facebook shares, must be considered null
by all participants.

Any possible discrepancy, ambiguity
or misunderstanding in these rules can only be resolved by the Sponsor,
who will update these rules accordingly to correct and extend them accordingly
to the needs to avoid such issues in future.


2. Eligibility:

The Luca
Memorial Photo Contest Worldwide edition (the “Contest”) is open only to
those who sign up at
https://submit.lucamemorial.org and who are 21 years of age or older as of
the date of entry. Where minimum legal age is higher, participant must comply
with local laws minimum age requirements. The Contest is void where
prohibited by law. Employees of Sponsor, its affiliates, subsidiaries,
advertising and promotion agencies, and suppliers, (collectively the
“Employees”), and immediate family members and/or those living in the same
household of Employees are not eligible to participate in the Contest.
The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws
and regulations. Void where prohibited.

The Contest
categories explicitly include and accept:

1.       CANYONS: Icy, wet and dry canyons.

2.       CAVES: Rock, ice/glacier, and underwater natural/coral
caves or man-made abandoned
underground structures and
mines, as well as urban caving.



The WINNER of a ROUND during the year (standard
or extra)
of a cash prize/award  is ineligible to win again a round
during the same year. HOWEVER:

· he/she
can still present entries during the year and opt to access the FINAL ROUND, if
his entries classify as finalists.

The WINNER of a previous FINAL ROUND (#1 PHOTO,
#1 AMATEUR PHOTO, EXPLORER/EXPLORATION of the YEAR) is ineligible to win again
another final round in the following TWO years. HOWEVER, he can
still present entries during the year and opt to win any STANDARD ROUND or any

The RANDOM WIN must go to a participant that
has not had any win yet during the last TWO years. Therefore are ineligible
to win previous cash/product winners: any ROUND winners, SOCIALCONTEST winners
and previous RANDOM/RAFFLE winners. Are excluded from this rule product winners
of products whose retail price is less than 75$.


3. Agreement to Rules:

By participating, the Participant
(“You”) agree to be fully unconditionally bound by these Rules, and You
represent and warrant that You meet the eligibility requirements. In addition,
You agree to accept the decisions of Sponsor as final and
binding as it relates to the content of this Contest.

4. Contest Duration and Rounds:

The contest has an annual


submission and voting will be accepted online as per below calendar:

January – April 2021:

Starts at 00:00 Central European Time
(CET) 1
st January 2021.

End at 23:59 Central European Time (CET)
30 April 2021.

Round May
– August 2021:

Starts at 00:00 Central European Time
(CET) 1
st May 2021.

End at 23:59 Central European Time (CET)
31 August 2021.

September – December 2021:

Starts at 00:00 Central European Time
(CET) 1
st September 2021.

End at 23:59 Central European Time (CET)
31 December 2021.



voting will be accepted online as per below calendar:

to be announced before 15
st January 2022 by Luca Memorial newsletter and
Facebook/Instagram post (@lucamemorial.contest).

Ends: to
be announced in the same way. Ending not later than 15
st February

All online  votes must be received within the deadlines.

Official Contest day
and time is CET Central European Time, unless stated otherwise.



Luca Memorial reserves the
right to benefit specific organizations, events, or people considered as
FRIENDS as described in “chapter 7 Bonuses and Friends”.

During the year, occasional
Extra Special Rounds of the Luca Memorial Contest might be carried out without
previous notice at FRIEND events: congresses, meetings, fairs, etc., or even
parallel events organized by Sponsor own initiative.

These Extra Special Rounds
will have their own rules of participation and their own prizes.

However, as a general rule,

o   Sponsor might at its sole
discretion award to the winner Photographer of these special rounds a “GOLDEN
PASS” that would benefit the winning photo of the Extra Special Round as well
as its Photographer to directly participate in the annual FINAL ROUND of the Contest.

o   To all
Participants in the Extra Special Round that have submitted photos, Sponsor
might, at its sole discretion, award them a BONUS CODE to be accounted for a
PHOTOGRAPHER BONUS during the current year.

o   To all
voters in the Extra Special Round that have voted photos, Sponsor might,
at its sole discretion, award them a BONUS CODE to be accounted for a VOTER
BONUS during the current year.

· FRIEND entities
of Luca Memorial:

To all members of a Luca
Memorial FRIEND entity, as described in “chapter 7 Bonuses and Friends”, Sponsor
might, at its sole discretion, award the FRIEND entity with a BONUS CODE to be
provided to all its members or affiliated, so that to be accounted for a VOTER
BONUS or a PHOTOGRAPHER BONUS or both. The bonus will be valid only during the
current year.


5. Categories and Category requirements:

Due to COVID situation,
entries will be accepted in TWO categories:

1.Caving (Photos)

2. Canyoning (Photos)



submitted (the Entries) in the categories must have been taken
while the below sports are being practiced, in any circumstance or situation,
but not necessarily by the photographer:

· Caving: Rock, ice/glacier, and
underwater natural/coral caves or man-made abandoned underground structures and
mines, as well as urban caving.

· Canyoning: Icy, wet and dry canyons.


Entries must have been taken during the current
year (2021). NOTE: Photos taken after 25th December
12:00am CET of previous year (2020), are considered valid when submitted in the following year contest

·     MAXIMUM PER DAY: 3 photos  can be
submitted maximum per day, If more are submitted, Sponsor can at its
sole discretion criteria, accept all of them, make a selection, or fully
disqualify the contestant

·     MAXIMUM PER ROUND: 25 photos  per participant
can be submitted to the contest during a round. If more are submitted, Sponsor
can at its sole discretion criteria, accept all of them, make a selection, or
fully disqualify the contestant.


Sponsor reserves the right to reject any submitted Entries
that might not suit these subjective considerations, at the sole discretion of

Rejection of specific Entries that Sponsor
considers to not fulfil the criteria for admission can take place at any time,
even after initial acceptation and publication in the Gallery, up to 24h before
the round established closure deadline.

The Entries will enter the contest at the date
of submission, unless explicitly indicated by Sponsor:

For example:

a photo is taken during an outing in January 2021

that photo is submitted to the Contest in July 2021

THEN the photo will compete in the May-August round of
the Contest




§ QUORUM requirements:

During any ROUND, a category will be declared void if
the minimum quorum is note reached.

· Caving (Photos):
MINIMUM 120 photos, MINIMUM 30 participants

· Canyoning
(Photos): MINIMUM 120 photos, MINIMUM 30 participants


If minimum quorum is not reached in a given category, Sponsor
can at its sole discretion criteria REVOKE the contest in that category OR
EXTEND the contest in that category till next round deadline, OR MAINTEIN the
contest in that category. When a minimum quorum is REVOKED or EXTENDED, neither
PHOTO nor PHOTOGRAPHER winner will be chosen or awarded in that category during
the current round.

§ QUALITY requirements:

During any ROUND, a category can be declared void and
the contest in that category will be revoked due to lack of quality WHEN no
valid Entries complying with the category requirements have been
selected as possible winner by more than 1/3 of the Jury members. In this case
Sponsor might, at its sole discretion, decide whether to declare the category
deserted or not.

Sponsor might also, at its sole discretion, declare a
category deserted due to insufficient quality of submitted Entries, if
Sponsor finds justified reasons for it, and more that 50% of the Jury members
approves the decision.

In the case a category is declared DESERTED, neither
PHOTO nor PHOTOGRAPHER will be chosen or awarded in that category. Sponsor will
erase all submitted entries and stop using any submitted content in future.


Sponsor might, at its sole discretion add or change
categories, add or change the accepted sports in a category, or accept as
exception the participation of submitted Entries that do not strictly
comply with the category requirements, if Sponsor believes that doing this is
justified for whatever reason by the circumstances.

Sponsor will limit as much as possible the changes and
additions during a standard round when already started, but Sponsor has
complete freedom to introduce changes in the rules at any time.

Sponsor can at its sole discretion provide “GOLDEN
PASSES” to any photo submitted in a previous contest organized or co-organized
by Sponsor during the current year to participate in the final round, for
whatever reason, up to 24h before the starting date of the final round.

The other participants in the final round can at their
own initiative request their exclusion from participate in the final round
contest and the permanent deletion of all of their submitted entries, which
Sponsor will stop using from that moment on.

Sponsor can at its sole discretion dismiss and
invalidate any photo accepted to participate in a standard or final round, if
Sponsor believes that doing this is justified at its sole discretion (cheating,
false or misleading information, rules objection, complaints, not worthiness,
mistakes, etc.), up to 24h before the round established closure deadline.

Invalidated photos will be deleted from gallery and
archive whenever possible, but they will not be erased from already published
Instagram posts when doing so would require the deletion of the full post, or
when the entry is embedded in a
Instagram or Facebook post that would also require its full deletion.


6. How to participate

6.a.  As a Voter/Liker in SOCIAL CONTEST (Instagram or other social

Internet public
voting/liking in the SOCIAL
 CONTESTs “Guess the Round Winners” or “Guess the
Photo of the Year” is open to everybody with 21 years, or older, at the time of
the contest.

SOCIALCONTESTs are announced by a Contest specific post and
have their own independent rules.

SOCIALCONTEST are announced within 15 days after a ROUND
deadline. The finalists of the given round are published in a
@lucamemorial.gallery on INSTAGRAM and/or in an album post on FACEBOOK.  INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK users have to guess
who is going to be the winner of the round. 


§  Voters with a Bonus Code, will
be indicated how to exercise their bonus during the contest by the rules
expressed in the contest post or SOCIAL CONTEST website.

§  Participating Voters/Likers agree to be bound by these Official Rules
and all decisions of the Sponsor, whose decisions will be final and

6.b.   As a Photographer:

Contest is open to receive photos  (the “Entries”) submitted by
photographers according to its category:

§  Entries must
have been made during an excursion while practicing the sports included in
‘5.   Categories and Category requirements’, by an active
participant, a spectator, or a drone.

The Contest must be entered by submitting
an entry using the online form/s provided at 
and indicated categories. The Entries 
must fulfil all Contest requirements, as specified, to be eligible to
win a prize. Entries that are incomplete or do not adhere to the rules
or specifications may be rejected at the sole discretion of Sponsor.
Entries entered in the wrong category by mistake or considered to be in the
wrong category at Sponsor discretion, might be relocated by Sponsor.

§  The Entries
theme is open. Any type of photography is permitted: B & W, vertical /
horizontal, selfie, group, technique, landscape, allegorical, etc. Preferably
it is invited to immortalize the natural beauty of the host region, the sports’
adventure, friendship, and shared joy: all principles and values that defined
Luca Chiarabini.

§  Entries must NOT have been digitally or otherwise notably
modified to change the original impression. Only minor adjustment in
brightness, contrast and colour saturation are allowed. In dark environments, a
postprocessing digital enhancement is allowed to eliminate noise, dust and
other defects, if the overall appearance of the Entries is maintained.

§  For each entry,
You must fill up and comply with what is being requested in the entry form at

§  You may not
enter more times than indicated by using multiple email addresses, social
networks accounts, identities, or devices in an attempt to circumvent the
rules. If You use fraudulent methods or otherwise attempt to circumvent the
rules, Your whole submissions may be removed from eligibility at the sole
discretion of Sponsor as well as ban the participation of the
person suspected of cheating for life, in past and future contests.

§  Entries must be submitted according to the deadlines
indicated in “chapter 4 Duration”. Sponsor reserves the right to extend
these deadlines at its own criteria.

§  Members of
the Jury and those who actively organize this Contest (including
direct first grade relatives) are excluded from participating in the Contest
as Photographers in the same round that is being judged. Judges can however
participate as photographers in rounds that will not be judged by them.
Photographers that do not have any of their photos competing in a round, can
act as judges of that round.

§  No
responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason.

§  All persons
appearing in photographs must be at least the age of majority as of the date of
the photograph.  If the subject of an image  is a minor (under the age of 18), the creator
must provide a written consent from parents or legal guardian of the minor
according to local law.

§  Images that have
been previously published or submitted to other contests, may be submitted to
this contest, but the participant is required to inform Sponsor about it
by the contact email indicated on
https://submit.lucamemorial.org or contest@lucamemorial.org

§  Sponsor may disqualify any entry that contains references
which are (or promote activities that are) obscene, crude, vulgar, or
derogatory of any group, or references to illegal or inappropriate activity,
behaviour or conduct, or any other references that could be considered
inappropriate, unsuitable or offensive, as determined by Sponsor, in its
sole discretion.

§  Each
participating Photographer  represents and warrants that: (i) it owns or has the necessary licenses, rights, consents
and permissions: (1) to use all material and content submitted in its entry
(the “Content”), and (2) to grant to Sponsor, and hereby grants
to the Sponsor, the perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free,
sub-licensable and transferable right to use, reproduce, distribute and
otherwise display the Content in any format; and (ii) to its knowledge, the
participant Photographer declares its Content does not violate any law or the
privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights of any other person. The
above license is irrevocable.

§  Each
participating Photographer represents and warrants that all information
contained in its entry form is/are true and accurate. Each participating
Photographer grants Sponsor the right to use its name and any
information in the registration and entry form, in the Gallery as well as
written and oral statements for advertising and marketing purposes, without
compensation, unless otherwise prohibited by law.

§  Photographers
can recommend friends that never participated before to join Luca Memorial
Contests through a REFERRAL LINK and benefit of a given Bonus, as indicated in
the submission form.

§  Participating
Photographers agree to be bound by these Official Rules and all decisions of
the Sponsor, whose decisions will be final and


can submit an application
for Meeting Sponsorhip via the form in https://meeting.lucamemorial.org/  
Accepted application by Luca
Memorial will appear in the MEETING LIST and will opt to be voted by round
winner photographers to receive a sponsorship of maximum 3000 USD.

(see also 9.a.3 Meetings)

  6.d. As an EXPLORER:

Explorers (cavers or canyoneers that make first descents) can submit during the
year a specific EXPLORATION or their EXPLORATION CURRICULUM during the year to
opt to receive a prize of $1’000USD.

EXPLORERs can submit their application via the form in

The Jury of the Final round and / or by Luca Memorial and
/ or Public voting will elect the one winner per sport:

Caving: award $1’000USD to one EXPLORER
OR to one special EXPLORATION that has been considered to be relevant,
important or special for the community

Canyoning: award $1’000USD to one EXPLORER
OR to one special EXPLORATION that has been considered to be relevant,
important or special for the community

Luca Memorial reserves the right to opt for asking
public voting of a selection or the total of the received initiatives. Details
of election process will be described at call for proposals of the EXPLORATION
(see also 9.b.1 Explorer/Exploration
of the Year

Minimum quorum, minimum quality and all other
necessary requirements for the EXPLORATION AWARD will be detailed in


 7. Bonuses and Friends

Luca Memorial reserves the
right to benefit specific organizations, events, or people considered as
FRIENDS, given them some extra advantages in contribution for their promotion
of Luca Memorial activities and projects. The special advantages, called BONUS,
can apply to PHOTOGRAPHERS submitting photos or VOTERS voting photos.

Bonuses are applied in all
STANDARD rounds as well as the yearly FINAL round judgement.

All bonuses are valid only
for current year contest rounds, and bonuses are reset after 1
st March of
following year.

Participants benefitting of
a bonus in previous years will lose the bonus at the end of the year, but they
can still achieve and obtain a new bonus for the following year without any

Sponsor might at its sole
discretion request all necessary data and proof that the user benefitting of a
bonus code is complying with the requirements established by Sponsor in order
to benefit of it (active affiliation, valid registration at event, etc.)


Any PHOTOGRAPHER submitting
photos will have available a unique REFERRAL LINK. The link can be obtained at
the submission form ‘INVITE FRIEND’
. With this link, active participants can
invite other NEW PHOTOGRAPHERS to join Luca Memorial Contest in that specific

WHEN a NEW photographer uses
this link to successfully join the category for the first time, AND IF the new
photographer submits valid photos that are accepted, THEN a bonus is
acknowledged for that unique referral link. The amount of the bonus is stated
in the submission form and CAN VARY during the round, without previous warning.

Already achieved bonus will
not change.


A participant of a FRIEND
event or federated member of a FRIEND entity will receive a BONUS code directly
from his event or federation. This bonus code will have the form of a hashtag,
in example: #2020RIC.

use these BONUS code at the submission form ‘BONUS CODE input’ if it is

Multiple bonus code can be
claimed during the contest.

WARNING: When a participant
with a bonus code wins, then he will be required to confirm the source and
validity of the bonus code used (i.e. was registered at the meeting, is still a
federated member, …)

If validity cannot be
confirmed in 3 working days, the winner can be disqualified at Sponsor
discretion and a new winner picked or the contest declared deserted.

Disqualified participants
are banned from Luca Memorial Contests for life. Zero Tolerance is applied to


8. Jury and Judging Process:


A jury of minimum 3 person
will be designated as Jury.

Jury members can be
photographers, canyoneers, cavers or nature and photo enthusiasts, and they
will evaluate the submitted photos according to a mix of their own personal
criteria about beauty, technicality, creativity, impact, and innovation.

The selection of the Jury is
made by Sponsor at its sole discretion.

The #1 Entry in each
category will be nominated #1 Photo Round Winner of the category.

For ‘Caving’ and ‘Canyoning’
categories the #1 Entry made by a NON-professional
(AMATEUR) author will declared #1 Amateur Photo.

‘Amateur’ participants are
defined as the participants replying ‘No’ to the question ‘have you ever sold
or exchanged your photos  for money,
products or any other benefit?’

 Sponsors reserves the
right to reconfirm, check and modify the classification as NON AMATEUR at any
time, at tits sole discretion.
Sponsor will specifically consider NON AMATEURs

      any photographer found to have publicly offer his
photos to be bought in the past, disregarding if an effective sell was made or

      Any photographer
that is a photo professional (wedding photographer etc)

      Any photographer selling photo books (main focus on
the photos, not in other contents like location, story,…)

#1 Winners of each round will
vote and elect a MEETING to receive a sponsorship for organizing next edition.



The Jury will be composed by
a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 50% from voters that voted any of the winning
photos in previous rounds, or past editions and past rounds winning
photographers not competing in the final round. The selection of the Jury is
made complying the previous rule by Sponsor at its sole discretion,
however a random and rotary turn principle will be applied whenever possible.

Judging process will be same
as in standard rounds. Photos will participate in FINAL ROUND competing
altogether, indistinctly from category.

The winner photo will be
nominated #1PHOTO OF THE YEAR.

the #1 PHOTO made by a NON-professional (AMATEUR) author will declared #1 AMATEUR


Jury composition and rules
for  the EXPLORATION AWARD will be
published in the specific page https://explorers.lucamemorial.org/



9. Winner Selection and Notification:

Winners, Photographers and
Voters, will be announced within maximum 20 days after the end of each

Once all winners are
confirmed, Sponsor will make the winner announcement on websites, newsletter
and Facebook/Instagram account.


9.a.1. Winning Photographer

Winner will be selected by Jury selection under
the supervision of Sponsor.

Judging process result:

· 1 Winning PHOTO
per category

· 1 Winning
AMATEUR PHOTO per photo category

· Ranking of Top
15 photos  per category.

Winning Photographer will be notified within five (5)
days following Winner selection.  Sponsor is entitled to request all
necessary information to control authenticity of participant and the applied
bonuses, if any. Sponsor shall have no liability for Winner’s
failure to receive or reply notices, nor to provide the needed information.

Winning photographer will be required the Photo in
high resolution, Winning PHOTOGRAPHER biography and winning photo

Once all verifications have been completed, Winner is
confirmed as valid and Sponsor will send an award notification per email
and wait for instruction of the winner where to transfer the prize. If in 3
days after any notification was sent, the Winner fails to timely return a
completed and executed declaration and release as required, the prize may be
forfeited and an alternate Winner selected or declared deserted, at discretion
of Sponsor.

Sponsor reserves the right to change the
above-mentioned process, at its sole discretion and for whatever reason, if
Sponsor believes it is  justified to do so.


9.a.2. Winning Voter/Liker:

Winner voter/liker will be selected by a random
drawing  under Sponsor supervision, according to what stated in the
CONTEST POST that will announce the start of the SOCIAL
CONTEST. Winner will be notified by DM/messenger within five (5) days
following selection of Winner. Sponsor shall have no liability
for Winner’s failure to receive notices due to spam, junk e-mail or other
security settings or for Winner’s provision of incorrect or otherwise
non-functioning contact information. If Winner cannot be contacted, is
ineligible, fails to claim the prize within 3 days after the
notification was sent, or fails to timely return a completed and executed
declaration and release as required, the prize may be forfeited and an
alternate Winner selected or declared deserted, at discretion of Sponsor.

Sponsor reserves the right to change the
above-mentioned process, at its sole discretion and for whatever reason, if
Sponsor believes it is  justified to do so.

9.a.3. Meetings

During each round, Winners #1PHOTO and #1 AMATEUR
PHOTO in all categories will be asked to vote for a MEETING in the list
“MEETINGS OPTING TO SPONSORSHIP” at https://meeting.lucamemorial.org/.

IF a CONSENSUS IS REACHED among all to choose
one of the meetings on the list THEN the MEETING organization will be offered
to receive a $3000 sponsorship from Luca Memorial to organize the next meeting

If NO CONSENSUS IS REACHED among all winners to
choose one of the meetings on the list, then  Luca Memorial at its own
criteria will choose one CAVING and one CANYONING among the ones voted by the
winners, and offer a sponsorship of $1500 to each of them.


New meetings can be added to the list during the
election process; however, Meeting application must be explicitly accepted by
Luca Memorial and meeting/meeting organization must appear in the list at the
moment the election is concluded, in order to opt for the sponsorship.

· Sponsorship will
be executed by payment of invoices regarding organization of the meeting.

· It will be
requested that winners that have vote for the MEETING and facilitating its
sponsorship, will have a discount of 50% on registration fee if they decide to
attend meeting.

· At discretion of
Luca Memorial, it will be requested to MEETING to host a local edition of Luca
Memorial contest at no added cost for meeting organization and at no added
compensation. If MEETING neglects the photo contest local edition offering,
Luca Memorial reserves the rights to reduce partially or withdraw totally the
sponsorship offered, at its sole discretion.

· Luca memorial
shall be included in equal conditions  in the sponsors list of the


Further requirements and rules, if any, are indicated
in the https://meeting.lucamemorial.org/.
page and in the SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT that is formally proposed for mutual
signature to each elected MEETING (draft available on request at legal@lucamemorial.org).

Sponsor reserves
the right to change the above-mentioned process, at its sole discretion, at
whatever moment and for whatever reason, if Sponsor believes it is 
justified to do so.


Top 15 photos in each
category of STANDARD ROUNDS will enter the YEARLY FINAL ROUND. Sponsor can
extend or reduce this size at its sole discretion and for whatever reason, if
Sponsor believes it is justified to do so.

Any winning photo/s in any
EXTRA SPECIAL ROUND held during the year, will also enter the final round.

Sponsor can grant “GOLDEN
PASSES” to enter directly the final round to any photo submitted in a previous
contest organized or co-organized by Sponsor during the current year, if
Sponsor believes it is justified to do so for whatever reason.

If any finalist photo is
disqualified or renounces to participate in final round, Sponsor can grant
“GOLDEN PASSES” to enter directly the final round to any photo that scored #16,
#17,… during any Round Judging process to occupy the competing place. The
ranking sequential order will be strictly followed during the offering.

Start and end dates for
ONTEST of final round will be announced via
newsletter & Facebook to all followers.

Winning Photo of the Year
will be selected by Jury selection under the supervision of Sponsor
among all finalists’ photos, without distinction of category and round.

Winning PHOTO will be
nominated PHOTO OF THE YEAR.

Winner voter/liker will be
selected by a random drawing from all voters that voted/liked for the
winning PHOTO OF THE YEAR under Sponsor supervision, certified as random
by a third party. Detailed rules for SOCIAL 
CONTEST will be explained in the post and/or dedicated web page.



Receipt by Winners of the
prize offered in this Contest is conditioned upon compliance with any
and all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. ANY VIOLATION OF THESE

Sponsor may require the prize winner to execute an affidavit
of eligibility, publicity release (except where prohibited), liability waiver
and/or IRS Form W-9 (if required by IRS regulations) prior to the delivery of
any prize (collectively, an “Affidavit”).

Sponsor ‘s decision as to those able to take part and
selection of winners is final and  irrevocable.

No correspondence relating
to the Contest will be entered into.


Explorers (cavers or canyoneers that make first descents) can submit during the
year a specific EXPLORATION or their EXPLORATION ANNUAL CURRICULUM to opt to
receive a prize of $1’000USD.

A specific Jury will vote among received applications,
elect and award the PERSON or the EXPLORATION that has been considered to be
most relevant, important or special for the Caving or Canyoning community:

Caving: award $1’000USD to the

Canyoning: award $1’000USD to the

EXPLORERs can submit their
application via the form in https://lucamemorial.org/contest2021/explorations/

Winners will be announced as
per indicated in the specific web page.


10. Prizes:


For the Winning #1 PHOTO in each
category: 500 USD(+) per photographer.
Winners will be required to make a public post about their winning on their
Facebook & Instagram. Sponsor will
propose image and text.

For the Winning #1 AMATEUR PHOTO in each
category: 300 USD(+) per photographer. THIS (+) PRIZE IS ACCUMUATIVE: if the #1
PHOTO is made by an AMATEUR it will win $800 (other prizes are NOT accumulative
unless explicitly indicated).
Winners will be required to make a public post about their winning on their
Facebook & Instagram. Sponsor will
propose image and text.


For MEETING elected by winners: If
CONSENSUS is reached during the vote and election by winners, 3000 USD
sponsorship for the next meeting edition. If NO consensus is reached, Luca
Memorial will choose ONE canyoning meeting and ONE caving meeting from the ones
voted by the winners and assign them a sponsorship of 1500USD each for
the  next edition of the meeting. NOTE: Sponsorship will be executed by
payment of invoices regarding organization of the next meeting edition.
Winners will be required to make a public post about their winning on their
Facebook & Instagram. Sponsor will
propose image and text.


For the Winning VOTER/LIKER in each: 100
USD per voter/liker participating in the SOCIAL CONTEST ‘Guess the Round
Winners’. (unless specified differently in the rules detailed at https://voters.lucamemorial.org)
Winners will be required to make a public post about their winning on their
Facebook & Instagram. Sponsor will
propose image and text.



For the Winning #1 PHOTOGRAPHER of the photo of the
year: $3000(+) USD
Winners are required to make a public post about
their winning on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social networks
prior to receive any payment. Sponsor will
propose image and text.

photo of the year: $2000(+) USD

YEAR is made by an AMATEUR it will win $5000 USD (other prizes are NOT
accumulative unless explicitly indicated).
Winners are required to make a public post about
their winning on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social networks
prior to receive any payment. Sponsor will
propose image and text.


For the Winning VOTER/LIKER of the photo of the year:
prize to be defined in the SOCIAL CONTEST post.
Winners are required to make a public post about
their winning on their Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social networks
prior to receive any payment. Sponsor will
propose image and text.



NOTE “Prizes are not accumulative” unless explicitly
indicated: for any winner already receiving for any reason any sponsorship,
prize or compensation during the year by Luca Memorial, the already received
sponsorship, prize, or compensation will be deducted from the new prize, and
only the additional part (if any) will be awarded to the winner. Prizes are not
accumulative, if the same person wins more than one prize, only the maximum
prize will be awarded.


Sponsor is not responsible for
inaccurate prize details supplied to any entrant by
any third party connected with this competition.

Sponsor can amend, modify or cancel any of the above prizes or any of the here
described rules at any moment prior to the starting date of a Standard Round as
well as the Final Round, for whatever reason and at its sole discretion. 
Once a Round has started the prize changes will not be effective on the ongoing
round but will be effective on all rounds still pending to start.


The Winner(s) of the Contest
(the “Winner”) will receive the above-mentioned prizes. No prize
substitution shall be permitted except at Sponsor discretion.
The prize is non-transferable. Any and all prize-related expenses, including
without limitation any and all federal, state, and/or local taxes (if any),
shall be the sole responsibility of Winner. No substitution of prize or
transfer/assignment of prize to others or request for the cash equivalent by
Winner is permitted. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission for Sponsor to
use Winner’s name, likeness, and entry for purposes of advertising and trade
without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.

11. Odds:

The odds of winning as a Photographer
depend on the number of eligible entries received, the quality of the photo,
and the discretional taste of the Jury

The odds of winning as a
Voter/Liker depend on the number of votes casted and the discretional taste of
the voter to pick the photo that will end up being awarded by the Jury, and the
luck of being selected randomly among all other voters.

12. Rights Granted by You:

NOTE: Our contest is an International Worldwide Contest,
so we need to have our rights protected in front of a worldwide legal

Any non-professional photographer will have no issue in the below “rights
granted by you”. IF for any professional compromise you cannot accept the rules
below for some of your photos, contact us at legal@lucamemorial.org  BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR COMPROMISED PHOTOS. We
will do our best to consider your special situation, and if we found it
justified we would eventually execute in your favour a limited partial release
of the rights granted by you for your compromised photos.
If you have any supervening compromise AFTER submitting any entry or even AFTER
winning a prize, still do contact us! We will try our best to find a reasonable
solution for everybody. 

Sponsor acknowledges that You retain full ownership of
the copyright in each Entry.
By submitting
Content (e.g., photo, video, text, etc.), You understand and agree that Sponsor,
anyone acting on behalf of Sponsor, and Sponsor’s
licensees, successors, and assigns, shall have the right, where permitted by
law, to print, publish, broadcast, distribute, and use in any media now known
or hereafter developed, in perpetuity and throughout the World, without
limitation, Your entry, name, portrait, picture, voice, likeness, image,
statements about the Contest, and biographical information for news,
publicity, information, trade, advertising, public relations, and promotional
purposes, without any further compensation, notice, review, or
consent. Non-winning entries may be used as above for a period not to
exceed 3 years from the end of the annual Contest.

By entering this content, You represent and warrant
that Your entry is an original work of authorship, and does not violate any
third party’s proprietary or intellectual property rights. If Your entry
infringes upon the intellectual property right of another, You will be
disqualified at the sole discretion of Sponsor. If the content of Your
entry is claimed to constitute infringement of any proprietary or intellectual
proprietary rights of any third party, You shall, at Your sole expense, defend
or settle against such claims. You shall indemnify, defend, and hold
harmless Sponsor from and against any suit, proceeding, claims,
liability, loss, damage, costs or expense, which Sponsor may incur,
suffer, or be required to pay arising out of such infringement or suspected
infringement of any third party’s right.

(see also “chapter 13. Further Privacy
and Copyright”)


13. Further Privacy and Copyright

Sponsor acknowledges that You retain full ownership of
the copyright in each Entry.

All images submitted for consideration remain the sole property of the
photographer. Entrants retain copyright over each of their images.

The winning images will be
transferred free of charge to the Sponsor in high resolution for use, as
detailed below.

All images submitted in the Contest
can be freely used by the Sponsor for online or paper publications with
a label indicating the author, according to what stated below. Entrants grant Sponsor
and its affiliates, subsidiaries and partners the sublicensable, non-exclusive,
worldwide and perpetual right to use and exploit the submitted images without
compensation in the context of sales, promotions, marketing, advertising,
events and exhibitions of all kind. This includes the perpetual and worldwide
use of the submitted images in any media, in particular any print-media (e.g.
magazines, newspapers, books) and electronic/digital offline and online media
(e.g. Sponsor or associated websites and its affiliates, or social
internet platforms and third-party networks and websites). Non-winning entries
may be used as above for a period not to exceed 3 years from the end of the
annual Contest. Credits will be given according to the customary
practice in the media business. Whenever credit directly on photo will be
aesthetically not viable or appropriate, credits in accompanying text will be

If photo is reproduced or
used multiple time in the same unity (web site, social post, magazine, book)
Sponsor is explicitly authorized by photographer to credit only once his
copyright. In particular circumstances Sponsor can void totally the credit of
the photo (banners, buttons, thumbnails, …), as long as it is made visible or
available a link to a unity where the photo is duly credited (article, web
site, post, video, …)

Each Participant is
responsible for material submitted by him in the Contest.

The organizers of the Contest
disclaim any responsibility towards competitors, third parties and any subject
represented in photographs sent to the Contest.

Each competitor must be the
sole author of the photographs, and images submitted must be original owned and
not of a third party.


14. Terms & Conditions:

Sponsor shall have the right, at its sole discretion and at
any time, to change or modify these terms and conditions, such change shall be
effective immediately upon posting to the link https://lucamemorial.org/contest2021/rulesww.

Sponsor also reserves the right to cancel the Contest
if circumstances arise outside of its control.

Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to
cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest should virus, bug,
non-authorized human intervention, fraud, or other cause beyond Sponsor’s
control corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, or proper
conduct of the Contest. In such case, Sponsor may
select the Winner from all eligible entries received prior to and/or after (if
appropriate) the action taken by SponsorSponsor reserves
the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers or
attempts to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Contest
or website or violates these Terms & Conditions. Sponsor has
the right, in its sole discretion, to maintain the integrity of the Contest,
to void votes for any reason, including, but not limited to: multiple entries
from the same user from different IP addresses; multiple entries from the same
computer in excess of those allowed by Contest rules; or the use of
bots, macros, scripts, or other technical means for entering. Any attempt by an
entrant to deliberately damage any website or undermine the legitimate
operation of the Contest may be a violation of criminal and civil laws.
Should such attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to
seek damages to the fullest extent permitted by law.

The Sponsor reserve
the right to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend any part or all of the Contest
if the Contest cannot operate as planned due to causes beyond the
control of Sponsor that corrupt or affect the administration, security,
fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest.

15. Limitation of Liability:

By entering, You agree to
release and hold harmless Sponsor and its subsidiaries,
affiliates, advertising and promotion agencies, partners, representatives,
agents, successors, assigns, employees, officers, and directors from any
liability, illness, injury, death, loss, litigation, claim, or damage that may
occur, directly or indirectly, whether caused by negligence or not, from: (i) such entrant’s participation in the Contest and/or
his/her acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of any prize or any portion
thereof; (ii) technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to the
malfunction of any computer, cable, network, hardware, or software, or other
mechanical equipment; (iii) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any
transmissions, telephone, or Internet service; (iv) unauthorized human
intervention in any part of the entry process or the Contest; (v)
electronic or human error in the administration of the Contest or the
processing of entries; (vi) risky, hazardous or negligent behaviour of anyone
taking the photo or assisting for it.

Sponsor is not responsible for any printing errors in any
materials made available to participants. Sponsor shall not be
responsible for lost, late, misidentified, misdirected or incomplete entries or
telecommunication or computer hardware or software performance, errors, delays
or failures. If, for any reason, the fairness or integrity of the Contest
becomes compromised, or Sponsor’s administration or fulfilment of the Contest
becomes impracticable, Sponsor reserves the right to terminate or modify
the Contest, and to disqualify any individual who tampers with the
administration of the Contest.

16. Sales

In the event a physical
media (e.g. book with semi-finalist images or digital edition thereof, as well
as permanent or itinerant exhibition ) is produced by Sponsor, all
profits generated resulting from the sale of such media  will remain
within Sponsor.

Being Sponsor a
non-profit entity, profits (if any) will be used exclusively for new Contests:
prizes, promotion and advertising.

17. Disputes:

THIS Contest IS
participating in this Contest, Participant agrees that any and
all disputes that cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes of action
arising out of or connected with this Contest, shall be resolved
individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively before
the Court in Lugano. Further, in any such dispute, under no circumstances
shall Participant be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waives
all rights to, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, including
indirect and attorney’s fees, other than Participant’s actual
out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. costs associated with entering this Contest).
Participant further waives all rights to have damages multiplied,
increased, punitive, incidental or consequential.

If disputes shall be finally
settled under the Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce
by one arbitrator appointed in accordance with said rules. The place of the
arbitration shall be Geneva, Switzerland.

18. Privacy Policy:

Entrant acknowledges that
his/her personal data submitted or entered will be registered in electronic
form by methods of automated data processing by Sponsor to process the
data as described in the privacy policy.

Information submitted with
an entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on the Sponsor website.
To read the Privacy Policy:

19. Winners List:

Official winners list will
be published at
http://lucamemorial.org and/or http://submit.lucamemorial.org/
within 20 days after the deadline of the Contest.

To obtain the Winner’s name
or a copy of these Official Rules, mail Your request along with a stamped,
self-addressed envelope to Sponsor. Requests must be received no later
than 45 days after the Contest deadline.

20. Sponsor contact

The Sponsor of the Contest
is Associazione Luca Chiarabini Memorial, Via
Nassa 15, 6900, Lugano.


If any term or provision set forth herein is invalid,
illegal or unenforceable in any jurisdiction, such invalidity, illegality or
unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision set forth herein
or invalidate or render unenforceable such term or provision in any other

By clicking  the [ENTER],
[SUBMIT],[VOTE],[LIKE][CONTINUE] buttons or any similar or equivalent button,
or by entering into the Contest by any other mean, will be deemed as
acceptance of these terms and conditions. You, the “Participant
participating in this contest, have affirmatively reviewed, agreed and
accepted, all above Official Rules.

The Sponsor reserves the right to review and
revise these Rules from time to time. You should therefore from time to time
review the current Rules because they are binding on You. In case You object to
the changes we may need to exclude Your respective submissions and entries from
the Contest.
Participants in already started contests might in some occasions be
specifically notified of changes by Sponsor, at Sponsor discretion. You
will be deemed to have accepted any such changes if we do not receive any
objection in the two weeks subsequently to have sent the notification.