We have maintained our
CONCEPT but we adapted to the current COVID situation, simplified the contest and made it more social and distributive.
▫️ Almost no MEETINGs being held! Round Winners will vote and elect a MEETING to be sponsored in its next edition, whenever it will take place.
▫️ EXPLORATIONS are much more than a photo. Created separated annual contest for Exploration/Explorer of the year.
▫️ Added dedicated prizes for AMATEUR photographers
▫️ Added rule to avoid repetitive winners (round winner can not win another round during year, year winner can not win next year)
▫️ Simplified categories: 1. CAVING, 2. CANYONING, 3.VIDEOS
▫️ Round duration is now 4 months, to ensure reaching minimum quorum of photos and participants in each category.
▫️ New contest platform for submitting from SOCIALs: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Youtube.